No one should have to choose between feeding themselves and feeding their pets. HSSV's Pet Pantry Program exists to ensure that when you're going through hard times, you have a place to obtain free pet food for your beloved animals.
While we are unable to provide 100% of your pet food needs, we can provide set amounts of dry non-prescription pet food to help you in the short-term, which can be picked up monthly while enrolled in the program.
Be a kind neighbor! If you have the means to obtain pet food elsewhere, please do so! This enables HSSV to ontinue providing food to families who would not be able to feed their pets otherwise.
Pet Pantry is available to residents of Santa Clara County experiencing financial instability.
We are not able to accept cat colony clients.
Food distribution is every 30 days during Pet Pantry designated hours (Thursday – Sunday 12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.) at our Pet Pantry offsite location; 1116 Wrigley Way.
Anyone picking up food (for themselves, or if they are designated as alternate pick up person) should bring a photo ID.
HSSV will provide a set amount of pet food based on your initial application.
Please fill out the information below to get started. Once you have completed the form, visit our warehouse (1116 Wrigley Way, Milpitas, CA 95035) during open hours (Thursday-Sunday 12pm-3:30pm) to pickup food for your pet.